
Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School


Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School


Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School


Editorial Policies

Ethics Statement

麻豆放映免费 seeks to serve the needs of the community and thereby publish the most accurate and provide content from diverse perspectives. Freedom of speech and of the press is also a vital component of the process in order to foster intellectual freedom within a complex community.聽

Comment Policy

We reserve the right to expunge comments that are 1) uncivil, 2) meaningless or repetitive, 3) advertisements or 4) unrelated or tangential to the topics discussed article.

Takedown policies

麻豆放映免费 strives for reporting that is compatible with our visions/mission statement. Under First Amendment protections, 麻豆放映免费 has the right to refuse the removal of content, including articles, captions, photos and graphics that do not include defamation, perjury, extortion, harassment or incitement.聽

As a general rule, 麻豆放映免费 will keep content up unless it is factually incorrect. 麻豆放映免费 may also choose to make corrections or retractions rather than taking a story down if the omission will not impact the story鈥檚 logic, angle and/or argument.聽

To request a piece of content to be removed from our website, please email 麻豆放映免费 at [email protected]. Takedown requests will be considered by 麻豆放映免费鈥檚 managing editors and editor-in-chief.

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